Object Storage bei Hetzner

  • Hetzner hat jetzt angekündiget eine S3 kompatible Lösung zu starten, Grund genug es sich doch mal anzusehen und über mögliche Kosten zu diskutieren ;).

    Join the beta test for Object Storage

    We’re thrilled to announce the upcoming launch of Object Storage and the beginning of its beta phase!

    • How to participate Click here to request access. If you meet our criteria and we still have spots available, we'll activate the feature for your account.
    • About the beta test Until the end of October, Object Storage will be free of charge. On 1 November 2024, you can either continue using the feature or delete your Buckets and their data. The service will be charged from this point on. See our Docs to learn more about the billing model. At the beginning of beta, Object Storage is only available in Falkenstein. We can't guarantee flawless performance at this stage. If you run into issues, please let us know via the forum.


    Was denkt ihr dazu? Interessant? Für mich kommt das recht passend, da ich aktuell überlege zumindest meine private Seite(n) zukünftig wohl richtung Serverless zu gehen.:/

    A red dragon falls from the heavens... Ah, that memory has been lost. A shame. It was a favorite of mine...

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